Narrative Text: 30 Contoh Menarik dan Penjelasan Strukturnya
Penasaran dengan narrative text? Temukan 30 contoh narrative text yang menarik beserta penjelasan strukturnya di sini! Pelajari cara menulis narrative text yang baik dan benar dengan mudah. Dapatkan tips dan trik untuk menguasai narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris.
Hai Englishnesian! Pasti kalian pernah dengar cerita ini:
"Once upon a time, in a village in Indonesia, there lived a girl named Bawang Putih. She lived with her cruel stepmother and stepsister, Bawang Merah. Despite being treated unfairly, Bawang Putih remained kind-hearted. One day, her kindness was rewarded when she discovered a magical treasure that changed her life forever."
Nah, itu salah satu contoh narrative text dari Indonesia yang sangat terkenal. Narrative text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita dengan struktur yang khas, biasanya terdiri dari orientasi, komplikasi, resolusi, dan kadang-kadang koda. Kali ini, kita bakal ngulik lebih jauh tentang narrative text, lengkap dengan 30 contoh menarik dari berbagai genre. Yuk, kita pelajari bareng-bareng biar makin paham dari narrative text!
Pengertian Narrative Text
Narrative text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk menceritakan sebuah cerita atau kisah, baik fiksi maupun non-fiksi. Cerita ini bisa berupa cerita rakyat, dongeng, legenda, fabel, atau bahkan cerita pribadi. Narrative text memiliki struktur yang khas yang biasanya terdiri dari tiga bagian utama: orientasi, komplikasi, dan resolusi. Kadang-kadang, teks ini juga menyertakan koda sebagai penutup cerita.
Tujuan Narrative Text
Tujuan utama dari narrative text adalah untuk menghibur pembaca atau pendengar melalui sebuah cerita. Selain itu, narrative text juga dapat memiliki tujuan lain, seperti:
Menghibur: Memberikan hiburan melalui cerita yang menarik dan imajinatif. Contoh: Dongeng seperti "Cinderella" atau "Bawang Putih dan Bawang Merah."
Mendidik: Menyampaikan pesan moral atau pelajaran hidup yang dapat diambil dari cerita. Contoh: Fabel seperti "Kelinci dan Kura-kura" yang mengajarkan tentang ketekunan.
Menginformasikan: Memberikan informasi tentang kebudayaan, sejarah, atau kehidupan sehari-hari melalui cerita. Contoh: Legenda seperti "Sangkuriang" yang menceritakan asal-usul Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.
Menginspirasi: Menginspirasi pembaca atau pendengar untuk melakukan hal-hal positif atau perubahan dalam hidup mereka. Contoh: Cerita tentang tokoh-tokoh inspiratif yang mengatasi rintangan dan mencapai kesuksesan.
Ciri-ciri Narrative Text
1. Struktur yang Jelas
- Orientation (Pengenalan): Bagian ini memperkenalkan tokoh, tempat, dan waktu cerita. Contoh: "Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young girl named Bawang Putih."
- Complication (Permasalahan): Bagian ini menceritakan masalah atau konflik yang dihadapi oleh tokoh utama. Contoh: "Bawang Putih was treated unfairly by her stepmother and stepsister."
- Resolution (Penyelesaian): Bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana masalah atau konflik tersebut diselesaikan. Contoh: "Her kindness was rewarded with a magical treasure that changed her life forever."
- Coda (Penutup, opsional): Bagian ini menyampaikan pesan moral atau kesimpulan dari cerita. Contoh: "From that day on, Bawang Putih and her family lived happily ever after."
2. Penggunaan Tense Lampau (Past Tense)
Cerita dalam narrative text biasanya diceritakan dalam bentuk past tense karena menceritakan peristiwa yang sudah terjadi. Contoh: "Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Red Riding Hood."
3. Adanya Tokoh dan Karakter Spesifik
Narrative text menampilkan tokoh-tokoh spesifik dengan karakteristik yang jelas. Contoh: "Cinderella," "The Big Bad Wolf," "Bawang Putih."
4. Adanya Alur Cerita (Plot)
Narrative text memiliki alur cerita yang jelas dengan urutan peristiwa yang logis dan kronologis. Contoh: "First, Red Riding Hood met the wolf. Then, she went to her grandmother's house."
5. Penggunaan Action Verbs (Kata Kerja Tindakan)
Menggambarkan tindakan atau peristiwa yang terjadi dalam cerita. Contoh: "The wolf chased Red Riding Hood through the forest."
6. Deskripsi yang Mendetail
Narrative text sering kali menggunakan deskripsi yang kaya untuk menggambarkan setting, tokoh, dan peristiwa. Contoh: "The fierce dragon with its fiery breath."
7. Dialog atau Ucapan Langsung (Direct Speech)
Narrative text sering kali menyertakan dialog antara tokoh-tokoh untuk memberikan dinamika dalam cerita. Contoh: "The wolf said, 'Where are you going, little girl?' 'I'm going to my grandmother's house,' replied Red Riding Hood."
8. Adanya Konflik dan Penyelesaian
Narrative text selalu memiliki konflik atau masalah yang dihadapi oleh tokoh utama dan penyelesaian dari konflik tersebut. Contoh: "The knight battled the dragon and finally defeated it."
9. Pesan Moral atau Kesimpulan
Banyak narrative text yang menyampaikan pesan moral atau pelajaran hidup yang bisa diambil dari cerita. Contoh: "The moral of the story is that kindness will always be rewarded."
10. Kata Hubung Waktu dan Urutan
Menggunakan kata hubung waktu dan urutan untuk menjelaskan urutan peristiwa dalam cerita. Contoh: "Once upon a time," "Then," "After that," "Finally."
Jenis-jenis Narrative Text
Narrative text memiliki berbagai jenis yang berbeda, masing-masing dengan ciri khas dan tujuannya sendiri. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis narrative text yang umum:
Fable (Fabel): Cerita pendek yang biasanya melibatkan hewan yang berperilaku seperti manusia dan menyampaikan pesan moral atau pelajaran. Contoh: "The Tortoise and the Hare" (Kura-Kura dan Kelinci).
Fairy Tale (Dongeng): Cerita khayalan yang melibatkan elemen magis, makhluk fantastis, dan petualangan. Biasanya memiliki akhir yang bahagia. Contoh: "Cinderella," "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
Legend (Legenda): Cerita tradisional yang biasanya didasarkan pada tokoh atau peristiwa sejarah, tetapi telah bercampur dengan unsur-unsur fiksi. Contoh: "The Legend of Sangkuriang," "The Legend of King Arthur."
Myth (Mitos): Cerita tradisional yang berusaha menjelaskan fenomena alam, asal usul manusia, atau kebudayaan dengan melibatkan dewa-dewi atau makhluk supranatural. Contoh: "Pandora's Box," "The Myth of Hercules."
Folktale (Cerita Rakyat): Cerita yang berasal dari tradisi lisan dan disampaikan dari generasi ke generasi. Biasanya mencerminkan nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat. Contoh: "Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih," "Timun Mas."
Epic (Epik): Cerita panjang yang biasanya berbentuk puisi atau prosa, menggambarkan petualangan heroik dan prestasi luar biasa dari tokoh utama. Contoh: "The Iliad" oleh Homer, "Mahabharata."
Adventure Story (Cerita Petualangan): Cerita yang berfokus pada perjalanan atau petualangan tokoh utama, biasanya melibatkan situasi yang menegangkan dan penuh aksi. Contoh: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" oleh Mark Twain, "Treasure Island" oleh Robert Louis Stevenson.
Historical Fiction (Fiksi Sejarah): Cerita yang berlatar belakang peristiwa sejarah yang sebenarnya, tetapi tokoh dan peristiwa dalam cerita adalah fiksi. Contoh: "The Book Thief" oleh Markus Zusak, "War Horse" oleh Michael Morpurgo.
Science Fiction (Fiksi Ilmiah): Cerita yang berlatar belakang masa depan atau dunia yang melibatkan teknologi canggih, makhluk asing, atau perjalanan waktu. Contoh: "The War of the Worlds" oleh H.G. Wells, "1984" oleh George Orwell.
Fantasy (Fantasi): Cerita yang melibatkan elemen magis atau dunia khayalan yang tidak ada dalam kehidupan nyata. Contoh: "The Lord of the Rings" oleh J.R.R. Tolkien, "Harry Potter" oleh J.K. Rowling.
Mystery (Misteri): Cerita yang berfokus pada pemecahan teka-teki atau kejahatan, biasanya melibatkan detektif atau penyelidik. Contoh: "Sherlock Holmes" oleh Arthur Conan Doyle, "Nancy Drew" oleh Carolyn Keene.
Horror (Horor): Cerita yang bertujuan menakut-nakuti atau menggugah rasa takut pembaca, sering melibatkan unsur supranatural atau psikologis. Contoh: "Dracula" oleh Bram Stoker, "The Shining" oleh Stephen King.
30 Contoh Narrative Text
5 Contoh Narrative Text (Legend) Indonesia
- Malin Kundang
Once upon a time, in a small village near the coastline of Sumatra, lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby, and his mother had to work hard to support their lives. Malin Kundang grew up as a smart and diligent boy, but he also had a bit of a rebellious streak.
As Malin Kundang grew older, he dreamed of a better life and wanted to seek his fortune in the city. Despite his mother's initial reluctance, she eventually agreed, hoping for a better future for her son. She gave him her blessing, and Malin Kundang set off on his journey with a heavy heart but high hopes.
Malin Kundang's journey was long and arduous. He faced many challenges but remained determined. Eventually, he found work on a trading ship and learned about commerce. He worked tirelessly, saving every penny he earned. Over time, Malin Kundang became a successful and wealthy merchant. He married a beautiful woman, and they lived a luxurious life.
Years passed, and Malin Kundang decided to return to his village to visit his mother. He sailed back on a grand ship, dressed in fine clothes and accompanied by his wife and crew. His mother, who had been waiting for his return every day, was overjoyed when she saw the magnificent ship docking at the shore. She ran to greet her son.
"Malin, my dear son! Welcome home!" she cried with tears of joy.
But Malin Kundang was embarrassed by his old, poor mother. He refused to acknowledge her and denied their relationship in front of his wife and crew. "Who is this old woman?" he asked coldly. "I don't know her."
Heartbroken and humiliated, Malin Kundang's mother prayed to God to punish her ungrateful son. "Oh, God, if he truly is my son, let him turn into stone!" she cried out.
Suddenly, the sky darkened, and a violent storm erupted. Thunder roared, and lightning struck Malin Kundang's ship. The waves grew monstrous, and the ship was torn apart. Malin Kundang and his crew tried to escape, but it was too late. Slowly, Malin Kundang's body began to turn to stone, starting from his feet and moving upwards.
Realizing his mistake, Malin Kundang cried out for forgiveness, but it was too late. His entire body turned to stone, and he remained there, standing on the shore as a reminder of the consequences of his arrogance and ingratitude.
Today, a rock formation that resembles a man can be seen on the shores near the village, believed by the locals to be the petrified body of Malin Kundang.
Ciri-Ciri Narrative Text dari Cerita "Malin Kundang":
Struktur yang Jelas:
- Orientation (Pengenalan): Cerita dimulai dengan memperkenalkan Malin Kundang, ibunya, dan latar belakang mereka di sebuah desa kecil di Sumatra.
- Complication (Permasalahan): Malin Kundang pergi merantau, menjadi sukses, dan kembali ke desanya. Namun, dia tidak mengakui ibunya karena malu.
- Resolution (Penyelesaian): Ibunya mengutuk Malin Kundang, dan dia berubah menjadi batu sebagai hukuman atas kesombongan dan ketidakberterima kasihannya.
- Coda (Penutup): Penjelasan bahwa batu yang menyerupai seorang pria di pantai dekat desa dipercaya sebagai tubuh Malin Kundang yang membatu.
Penggunaan Tense Lampau (Past Tense):
- Cerita ditulis dalam bentuk past tense karena menceritakan peristiwa yang sudah terjadi. Contoh: "lived," "grew up," "set off," "became," "prayed," "turned."
Adanya Tokoh dan Karakter Spesifik:
- Tokoh utama adalah Malin Kundang dan ibunya. Cerita juga melibatkan tokoh-tokoh pendukung seperti istri Malin dan awak kapalnya.
Adanya Alur Cerita (Plot):
- Cerita memiliki alur yang jelas dengan urutan peristiwa yang logis dan kronologis, mulai dari kehidupan awal Malin Kundang, perjalanannya mencari keberuntungan, hingga kesuksesannya dan akhirnya kutukan yang diterimanya.
Penggunaan Action Verbs (Kata Kerja Tindakan):
- Cerita menggambarkan tindakan atau peristiwa yang terjadi, seperti "set off," "worked," "became," "refused," "prayed," "turned."
Deskripsi yang Mendetail:
- Cerita menggunakan deskripsi yang kaya untuk menggambarkan setting, tokoh, dan peristiwa. Contoh: "a small village near the coastline of Sumatra," "a grand ship," "dressed in fine clothes."
Dialog atau Ucapan Langsung (Direct Speech):
- Cerita menyertakan dialog antara tokoh-tokoh untuk memberikan dinamika dalam cerita. Contoh: "Malin, my dear son! Welcome home!" dan "Who is this old woman? I don't know her."
Adanya Konflik dan Penyelesaian:
- Cerita memiliki konflik utama (Malin Kundang yang tidak mengakui ibunya) dan penyelesaian (kutukan yang mengubahnya menjadi batu).
Pesan Moral atau Kesimpulan:
- Cerita menyampaikan pesan moral tentang pentingnya menghormati dan menghargai orang tua. Kutukan Malin Kundang menjadi peringatan bagi pembaca tentang konsekuensi dari kesombongan dan ketidakberterima kasihannya.
Kata Hubung Waktu dan Urutan:
- Cerita menggunakan kata hubung waktu dan urutan untuk menjelaskan urutan peristiwa dalam cerita. Contoh: "Once upon a time," "Years passed," "Suddenly," "Realizing his mistake."
The Legend of Toba Lake
Once upon a time, in a lush village in North Sumatra, there lived a young man named Toba. Toba was a humble and hardworking farmer who lived alone. One day, while fishing in a nearby river, Toba caught an unusual golden fish. To his surprise, the fish spoke to him, pleading for its life. Toba, taken aback but compassionate, decided to release the fish back into the water.
The next day, a beautiful woman appeared at Toba's door. She revealed that she was the fish he had spared and, as a reward for his kindness, she had transformed into a human. Toba and the woman fell in love and got married, but she warned him to never reveal her true identity as a fish to anyone. They lived happily and were blessed with a son named Samosir.
Years passed, and Samosir grew into a curious and playful boy. One day, when Samosir disobeyed his mother, Toba, in a fit of anger, blurted out the secret of his wife's true identity. "You behave like the son of a fish!" he shouted. Upon hearing this, his wife wept bitterly. She knew that the secret was out, and the curse would now come into effect.
She instructed Samosir to run to the hills, as a great disaster was about to occur. She herself transformed back into a fish and disappeared into the river. Suddenly, heavy rain began to pour, and the village was flooded. The water kept rising, eventually forming a vast lake, which is now known as Lake Toba. The island in the middle of the lake is named after Samosir.
Today, Lake Toba stands as a reminder of Toba's mistake and the love and sacrifice of the fish-woman. The legend of Toba Lake is told to remind people to keep their promises and to respect the ones they love.
Ciri-Ciri Narrative Text dari Cerita "The Legend of Toba Lake":
Struktur yang Jelas:
- Orientation (Pengenalan): Cerita dimulai dengan memperkenalkan Toba, seorang pemuda yang tinggal di desa di Sumatra Utara.
- "Once upon a time, in a lush village in North Sumatra, there lived a young man named Toba."
- Complication (Permasalahan): Toba menikahi seorang wanita yang ternyata adalah ikan yang berubah menjadi manusia. Masalah muncul ketika Toba mengungkapkan rahasia istrinya.
- "Toba, in a fit of anger, blurted out the secret of his wife's true identity."
- Resolution (Penyelesaian): Istri Toba kembali menjadi ikan, dan desa terendam air, membentuk Danau Toba.
- "She herself transformed back into a fish and disappeared into the river."
- Coda (Penutup): Danau Toba dan Pulau Samosir menjadi pengingat kesalahan Toba dan pengorbanan istrinya.
- "Today, Lake Toba stands as a reminder of Toba's mistake and the love and sacrifice of the fish-woman."
- Orientation (Pengenalan): Cerita dimulai dengan memperkenalkan Toba, seorang pemuda yang tinggal di desa di Sumatra Utara.
Penggunaan Tense Lampau (Past Tense):
- Cerita ditulis dalam bentuk past tense karena menceritakan peristiwa yang sudah terjadi.
- Contoh: "lived," "caught," "revealed," "grew," "blurted," "wept," "transformed."
- Cerita ditulis dalam bentuk past tense karena menceritakan peristiwa yang sudah terjadi.
Adanya Tokoh dan Karakter Spesifik:
- Tokoh utama adalah Toba, istrinya (ikan), dan anak mereka, Samosir.
Adanya Alur Cerita (Plot):
- Cerita memiliki alur yang jelas dengan urutan peristiwa yang logis dan kronologis, mulai dari penemuan ikan, pernikahan, hingga pembentukan Danau Toba.
Penggunaan Action Verbs (Kata Kerja Tindakan):
- Cerita menggambarkan tindakan atau peristiwa yang terjadi.
- Contoh: "caught," "released," "fell," "grew," "blurted," "wept," "transformed."
- Cerita menggambarkan tindakan atau peristiwa yang terjadi.
Deskripsi yang Mendetail:
- Cerita menggunakan deskripsi yang kaya untuk menggambarkan setting, tokoh, dan peristiwa.
- Contoh: "a lush village in North Sumatra," "an unusual golden fish," "a beautiful woman."
- Cerita menggunakan deskripsi yang kaya untuk menggambarkan setting, tokoh, dan peristiwa.
Dialog atau Ucapan Langsung (Direct Speech):
- Cerita menyertakan dialog antara tokoh-tokoh untuk memberikan dinamika dalam cerita.
- Contoh: "You behave like the son of a fish!"
- Cerita menyertakan dialog antara tokoh-tokoh untuk memberikan dinamika dalam cerita.
Adanya Konflik dan Penyelesaian:
- Cerita memiliki konflik utama (Toba yang mengungkapkan rahasia istrinya) dan penyelesaian (kutukan yang menyebabkan terbentuknya Danau Toba).
- "Upon hearing this, his wife wept bitterly."
- Cerita memiliki konflik utama (Toba yang mengungkapkan rahasia istrinya) dan penyelesaian (kutukan yang menyebabkan terbentuknya Danau Toba).
Pesan Moral atau Kesimpulan:
- Cerita menyampaikan pesan moral tentang pentingnya menjaga janji dan menghormati orang yang kita cintai.
- "The legend of Toba Lake is told to remind people to keep their promises and to respect the ones they love."
- Cerita menyampaikan pesan moral tentang pentingnya menjaga janji dan menghormati orang yang kita cintai.
Kata Hubung Waktu dan Urutan:
- Cerita menggunakan kata hubung waktu dan urutan untuk menjelaskan urutan peristiwa dalam cerita.
- Contoh: "Once upon a time," "The next day," "Years passed," "Suddenly."
- Cerita menggunakan kata hubung waktu dan urutan untuk menjelaskan urutan peristiwa dalam cerita.
Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi
Once upon a time, in Priangan Land, there lived a happy family consisting of a mother, Dayang Sumbi, her son, Sangkuriang, and their loyal dog, Tumang. One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with Tumang. After a day of hunting without success, Sangkuriang became desperate and, in his frustration, decided to shoot Tumang, thinking it would appease his mother.
When Sangkuriang returned home with Tumang’s liver, Dayang Sumbi was furious and heartbroken upon realizing what had happened. In her anger, she hit Sangkuriang on the head, causing a wound, and banished him from their home. Sangkuriang grew up wandering the lands, unaware of his true identity.
Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman in a distant village and fell in love, not knowing she was his mother, Dayang Sumbi. When they planned to marry, Dayang Sumbi recognized the scar on Sangkuriang’s head and realized he was her son. To prevent the marriage, she set an impossible task: Sangkuriang had to build a lake and a boat in one night. Sangkuriang almost succeeded, but Dayang Sumbi tricked him by creating a false dawn. Enraged by his failure, Sangkuriang kicked the nearly completed boat, which turned into Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
4. The Legend of Roro Jonggrang
In ancient Java, there was a powerful prince named Bandung Bondowoso who conquered the Prambanan Kingdom. He fell in love with the beautiful Princess Roro Jonggrang and proposed to her. To avoid the marriage, Roro Jonggrang set an impossible condition: Bandung had to build 1,000 temples in a single night.
With the help of spirits, Bandung Bondowoso worked tirelessly to complete the task. By dawn, 999 temples were finished. Seeing this, Roro Jonggrang devised a plan to stop him. She and the village women pounded rice and lit fires to simulate the break of dawn, tricking the spirits into thinking it was morning. The spirits fled, and Bandung was left with the task unfinished.
Furious at being deceived, Bandung Bondowoso cursed Roro Jonggrang, turning her into the final statue to complete the 1,000th temple. The statue of Roro Jonggrang remains in the temple complex to this day, known as Candi Sewu, a testament to the prince’s broken heart and the princess’s cleverness.
5. The Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul
Once upon a time, in the ancient kingdom of Pajajaran, there lived a beautiful princess named Kadita. She was the daughter of King Munding Wangi, who loved her dearly. However, her stepmother, jealous of Kadita's beauty and the king's affection for her, plotted to get rid of her. One day, the stepmother cursed Kadita, causing her to suffer from a terrible skin disease that made her lose her beauty.
Heartbroken and ashamed, Kadita left the palace and wandered aimlessly until she reached the southern coast of Java. As she gazed out over the vast ocean, she felt a strong calling from the sea. Following her instincts, Kadita walked into the water. Miraculously, as she submerged herself, her skin disease disappeared, and she was transformed into a radiant, ethereal being. Kadita was reborn as Nyi Roro Kidul, the Queen of the Southern Sea.
Nyi Roro Kidul became the protector of the southern coast and the guardian of the ocean's mysteries. She was known to have the power to control the waves and the winds. Many believe that she has a majestic palace under the sea, where she resides with her loyal subjects. Sailors and fishermen often offered her gifts and prayers, seeking her blessings and protection while at sea.
To this day, the legend of Nyi Roro Kidul remains a significant part of Javanese culture. Her story is a reminder of the power of nature and the mysteries that lie beneath the ocean's surface. She is revered as a powerful and benevolent spirit, and her legacy continues to be honored through traditional rituals and offerings along the southern coast of Java.
5 Contoh Narrative Text (Legend) di Dunia
1. The Legend of King Arthur
Once upon a time, in ancient Britain, there lived a noble and just king named Arthur. He was the son of King Uther Pendragon but was raised in secrecy by the wizard Merlin to protect him from his father's enemies. When King Uther died, Britain was left without a ruler. Merlin placed a magical sword in a stone, declaring that whoever could pull it out would be the rightful king.
Many knights tried and failed, but young Arthur, unaware of his royal lineage, easily pulled the sword from the stone. Recognized as the true king, Arthur established the Knights of the Round Table at Camelot, where he ruled with wisdom and courage. His knights, including Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain, embarked on many noble quests, the most famous being the search for the Holy Grail.
Arthur's reign was marked by both glory and tragedy. He was betrayed by his wife, Queen Guinevere, and his best friend, Lancelot. Ultimately, Arthur met his end in a final battle against his illegitimate son, Mordred. Mortally wounded, he was taken to the mystical isle of Avalon, where it is said he rests, waiting to return when Britain needs him most.
2. The Legend of El Dorado
Long ago, deep in the South American jungle, there was a kingdom ruled by a king so rich that he covered himself in gold dust and dived into Lake Guatavita as part of a sacred ritual. This king became known as El Dorado, "The Gilded One." Tales of his immense wealth spread among the Spanish conquistadors, igniting a frenzied search for the legendary city of gold.
The conquistadors, led by explorers like Gonzalo Pizarro and Francisco de Orellana, embarked on perilous expeditions through dense jungles, treacherous rivers, and towering mountains in their quest to find El Dorado. They encountered numerous hardships, including disease, starvation, and hostile indigenous tribes, but the lure of unimaginable riches drove them onward.
Despite their relentless efforts, the Spanish never found El Dorado. The golden city remained a tantalizing legend, symbolizing the dreams of wealth and the mysteries of the unknown. To this day, the story of El Dorado continues to captivate the imagination of adventurers and treasure seekers around the world.
3. The Legend of the Trojan Horse
In ancient Greece, the city of Troy was under siege by the Greek army for ten long years. The Greeks, unable to breach the city's mighty walls, devised a cunning plan. They built a massive wooden horse, hollow inside, and filled it with their best warriors. Pretending to abandon the siege, the Greeks left the horse as a supposed offering to the gods.
The Trojans, believing their enemies had finally given up, brought the horse into the city as a trophy. They celebrated their apparent victory with feasts and revelry, unaware of the danger lurking inside the wooden horse. That night, as the Trojans slept, the Greek soldiers emerged from the horse and opened the city gates for their comrades, who had secretly returned under the cover of darkness.
The Greeks swiftly overpowered the unsuspecting Trojans, sacking the city and ending the long and brutal war. The fall of Troy became one of the most famous tales of cunning and deception in ancient mythology, immortalized in Homer's epic poem, "The Iliad."
4. The Legend of Atlantis
Thousands of years ago, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, there lay a vast and advanced civilization known as Atlantis. According to the philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a powerful empire with magnificent palaces, grand temples, and advanced technology. Its people were prosperous and knowledgeable, living in harmony with nature.
However, the Atlanteans became greedy and corrupt, turning away from the virtues that had made their civilization great. The gods, angered by their arrogance, decided to punish Atlantis. In a single day and night, a catastrophic earthquake and flood struck, submerging the entire island beneath the ocean.
Atlantis vanished without a trace, becoming a legend that has fascinated explorers, historians, and scholars for centuries. Many have searched for evidence of the lost city, but its exact location remains a mystery, shrouded in myth and speculation.
5. The Legend of Robin Hood
In medieval England, during the reign of King Richard the Lionheart, there lived a noble outlaw named Robin Hood. He resided in Sherwood Forest with his band of Merry Men, including Little John, Friar Tuck, and Will Scarlet. Robin Hood was renowned for his skill with a bow and his unwavering commitment to justice.
Robin Hood and his men robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, challenging the tyranny of the corrupt Sheriff of Nottingham. The Sheriff, determined to capture Robin Hood, devised numerous schemes, but Robin always managed to outwit him. The people of Nottinghamshire admired Robin Hood as a hero who stood up against oppression and fought for their rights.
One day, disguised as a beggar, Robin Hood entered an archery contest held by the Sheriff, intending to win the golden arrow prize. His exceptional skills won him the contest, but his identity was revealed. A fierce battle ensued, but Robin Hood and his Merry Men escaped back into the safety of Sherwood Forest. Robin Hood's legend lived on, symbolizing the fight for justice and the spirit of rebellion against injustice.
5 Contoh Narrative Text (Folktale) Indonesia
- The Legend of Timun Mas
Once upon a time, there lived an old woman named Mbok Srini. She lived alone and longed for a child. One day, she prayed to the gods, and a giant heard her plea. The giant gave her a cucumber seed and told her that a child would come out of it. Mbok Srini planted the seed, and soon enough, a large golden cucumber grew in her garden.
When the cucumber was ripe, she carefully cut it open and found a beautiful baby girl inside. She named the girl Timun Mas, meaning Golden Cucumber. Mbok Srini raised Timun Mas with love and care. However, the giant came back and demanded that Mbok Srini keep her promise to give Timun Mas to him when she turned 16.
Mbok Srini was heartbroken but decided to prepare Timun Mas for the day she would have to face the giant. She gave Timun Mas a pouch filled with magical items: cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste. When the giant came to take her, Timun Mas ran away, and the giant chased after her.
Timun Mas threw the cucumber seeds, which grew into a dense cucumber field, slowing the giant down. Then she threw the needles, which turned into a bamboo forest, making it difficult for the giant to pass. She threw the salt, which became a sea, and lastly, the shrimp paste, which turned into a boiling swamp. The giant drowned in the swamp, and Timun Mas was safe. She returned home and lived happily with Mbok Srini.
2. The Story of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih
In a small village, lived a kind and hardworking girl named Bawang Putih with her stepmother and stepsister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Merah and her mother were cruel to Bawang Putih, making her do all the household chores while they relaxed. Despite the mistreatment, Bawang Putih remained patient and continued to help her family.
One day, while doing laundry in the river, Bawang Putih lost her stepmother’s favorite shawl. Fearing punishment, she searched desperately and encountered an old woman who offered to help her find the shawl. In gratitude, the old woman gave Bawang Putih a pumpkin, which, when opened at home, was filled with gold and jewels. This newfound wealth brought temporary joy to Bawang Putih and her family.
Consumed by jealousy, Bawang Merah and her mother decided to replicate Bawang Putih’s experience. They visited the old woman, pretending to be kind. However, when given a pumpkin, they eagerly opened it only to find it filled with snakes and insects. Realizing their greed and cruelty had led to their misfortune, they begged for forgiveness. Bawang Putih, ever kind-hearted, forgave them, and they lived together peacefully thereafter.
3. The Story of Si Kancil
Once upon a time, in a lush jungle, lived a clever mouse deer named Si Kancil. He was known for his wit and quick thinking. One day, as he wandered the forest, he came across a cucumber field owned by a farmer. Hungry and tempted by the sight of the juicy cucumbers, Si Kancil decided to sneak in and eat some.
The farmer, noticing his crops were being eaten, set a trap to catch the thief. Si Kancil, however, was not easily fooled. He noticed the trap and devised a plan. Pretending to be stuck, he lured the farmer into the field. As the farmer approached, Si Kancil quickly sprang out of the trap and trapped the farmer instead.
Si Kancil laughed and ran away, leaving the farmer fuming in anger. From that day on, Si Kancil became even more famous for his cleverness. His story spread throughout the jungle, and he continued to outsmart anyone who tried to catch him, always staying one step ahead.
4. The Legend of Lutung Kasarung
In the ancient Sundanese kingdom, there was a beautiful princess named Purbasari who was exiled to the forest by her jealous sister, Purbararang. Purbasari's only companions were the animals of the forest. One day, she met a magical black monkey named Lutung Kasarung, who had come from the heavens to help her.
Lutung Kasarung used his magical powers to create a beautiful garden and a luxurious palace for Purbasari in the forest. He also provided her with wisdom and comfort. When the king declared that whoever had the longest hair would be the rightful queen, Purbararang was confident she would win. However, Lutung Kasarung transformed Purbasari's hair to be longer and more beautiful than her sister's.
Seeing Purbasari's beauty and grace, the king reinstated her as the queen. Lutung Kasarung then revealed his true form as a handsome prince and married Purbasari. Together, they ruled the kingdom with justice and kindness, while Purbararang was punished for her jealousy and wickedness.
5. The Legend of Keong Mas
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a wise king and his beautiful queen. They had two daughters, Candra Kirana and Dewi Galuh. Candra Kirana was kind and beloved by everyone, while Dewi Galuh was envious of her sister. When a prince from a neighboring kingdom chose to marry Candra Kirana, Dewi Galuh's jealousy turned to hatred.
Dewi Galuh sought the help of a wicked witch to curse her sister. Candra Kirana was transformed into a golden snail, or "Keong Mas," and thrown into the river. Carried by the current, Keong Mas eventually found herself in the garden of an old woman who lived by the river. The old woman took the golden snail home and cared for it lovingly.
To her surprise, the old woman discovered that the snail transformed into a beautiful princess at night and helped her with household chores. Candra Kirana explained her plight, and the old woman decided to help her. News of the golden snail reached the prince, who searched for Candra Kirana. When he found her, the witch's curse was broken, and they returned to the kingdom to live happily ever after.
5 Contoh Narrative Text (Folktale) di Dunia
1. The Tortoise and the Hare (Aesop's Fables - Yunani)
Once upon a time, there was a hare who was very proud of his speed. He loved to boast about how fast he could run and often made fun of the slow-moving tortoise. One day, the tortoise, tired of the hare's arrogance, challenged him to a race. The hare, thinking it was a joke, readily agreed.
The race began, and the hare quickly sped ahead, leaving the tortoise far behind. Confident in his victory, the hare decided to take a nap midway through the race. Meanwhile, the tortoise continued to move steadily, never stopping, determined to finish the race. When the hare woke up, he realized that the tortoise was near the finish line.
Panicked, the hare dashed off, but it was too late. The tortoise had already crossed the finish line, winning the race. The hare was humbled, and the tortoise, with his slow but steady pace, taught everyone that perseverance and determination can overcome arrogance and speed.
Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.
2. The Three Little Pigs (Inggris)
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who set out to build their own houses. The first pig, in a hurry to play, built his house out of straw. The second pig, slightly more diligent, built his house out of sticks. The third pig, the wisest of all, built his house out of bricks, knowing it would be the strongest.
One day, a big bad wolf came along and saw the first pig's house made of straw. He huffed and puffed and blew the house down with ease. The first pig ran to his brother's house made of sticks. The wolf followed and, with a huff and a puff, blew the stick house down as well. Both pigs ran to their third brother's house made of bricks.
The wolf arrived at the brick house and huffed and puffed, but he couldn't blow the house down. Frustrated, he tried to enter through the chimney, but the third pig had anticipated this and built a roaring fire below. The wolf fell into the fire and fled, never to bother the pigs again. The three little pigs lived happily ever after in the safety of the brick house.
Moral: Hard work and perseverance pay off.
3. Anansi the Spider (Afrika Barat)
Once upon a time, in a village in West Africa, there lived a clever spider named Anansi. Anansi loved to play tricks on others and use his wits to get what he wanted. One day, he decided to gather all the world's wisdom and keep it for himself. He placed all the wisdom in a large pot and hung it around his neck.
Anansi wanted to hide the pot in a tall tree, away from everyone else. He tried to climb the tree with the pot hanging from his neck, but it kept getting in the way. Anansi's son, watching from below, suggested that he tie the pot to his back instead. Anansi realized that his son's advice was wise and did as he suggested. He successfully climbed the tree and hid the pot.
However, Anansi felt foolish for not thinking of the solution himself and realized that wisdom should be shared, not hoarded. He decided to release the wisdom back into the world, allowing everyone to benefit from it. The villagers were grateful, and Anansi learned that true wisdom comes from sharing knowledge with others.
Moral: Wisdom is meant to be shared, not kept to oneself.
4. The Fisherman and His Wife (Jerman)
Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who lived with his wife in a small, rundown hut. One day, while fishing, he caught a large flounder that could talk. The flounder begged to be released, claiming to be an enchanted prince. The fisherman, being kind-hearted, let the fish go. When he returned home and told his wife, she was furious and demanded that he go back and ask the fish for a wish.
Reluctantly, the fisherman returned to the sea and called out to the flounder. The fish granted the wife's wish for a beautiful cottage. However, the wife soon grew dissatisfied and asked for a castle. The fisherman went back to the flounder, and the wish was granted. But the wife continued to demand more – she wanted to be queen, then empress, and finally, pope. Each time, the flounder granted her wishes, but she remained unhappy.
Eventually, the wife demanded to be made ruler of the universe. The flounder, tired of her greed, granted this final wish by returning them to their original state – a poor fisherman and his wife living in a small, rundown hut. The wife learned that greed and dissatisfaction lead to ruin, and they lived humbly ever after.
Moral: Greed leads to downfall and unhappiness.
5. The Legend of the Bamboo Cutter (Jepang)
Once upon a time, there was an old bamboo cutter named Taketori no Okina who lived in ancient Japan. One day, while cutting bamboo in the forest, he discovered a glowing bamboo stalk. Inside, he found a tiny, radiant princess no bigger than his thumb. He and his wife took her home and named her Kaguya-hime. They raised her as their own daughter, and she grew into a woman of extraordinary beauty.
News of her beauty spread, and many suitors came to seek her hand in marriage. Kaguya-hime set impossible tasks for them, knowing they would fail. Despite their efforts, none succeeded, and she remained unattached. One night, Kaguya-hime revealed to her adoptive parents that she was not of this world but a celestial being from the moon. She had been sent to Earth as a punishment and now had to return to her celestial home.
On the night of the full moon, a procession of celestial beings descended from the sky to take Kaguya-hime back to the moon. She tearfully bid farewell to her earthly parents, leaving them with a letter and a vial of the elixir of immortality. Grieving her departure, the bamboo cutter burned the letter and the elixir on the highest mountain, which became known as Mount Fuji. The tale of Kaguya-hime remains one of Japan's most beloved folktales.
Moral: Accept and cherish the time you have with loved ones, as it is precious and fleeting.
3 Contoh Narrative Text (Historical Fiction)
- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
During World War II in Nazi Germany, a young girl named Liesel Meminger is sent to live with foster parents in a small town. Her foster father teaches her to read, and she finds solace in stealing books. Liesel forms a deep bond with a Jewish man named Max, who hides in their basement to escape persecution. Through her love for books and storytelling, Liesel offers hope and comfort to those around her, even as the war ravages their lives.
- All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Marie-Laure LeBlanc is a blind French girl whose father builds her a miniature model of their neighborhood to help her navigate. As the Nazis occupy France, they flee to the walled citadel of Saint-Malo. Meanwhile, Werner Pfennig, a German orphan, is trained as a soldier and becomes a Nazi radio expert. Their paths converge in Saint-Malo, where their lives intertwine amidst the chaos of war, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit.
- The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
Set in France during World War II, "The Nightingale" follows the lives of two sisters, Vianne and Isabelle Mauriac. Vianne's husband is sent to fight, and she is left to care for her daughter while navigating the challenges of Nazi occupation. Isabelle joins the French Resistance, risking her life to help downed Allied pilots escape to safety. The novel explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the strength of women during wartime.
3 Contoh Narrative Text (Fantasy)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter, a young boy living with his abusive aunt and uncle, discovers on his eleventh birthday that he is a wizard. He receives an invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At Hogwarts, Harry makes friends and learns about his past, including the dark wizard Voldemort who killed his parents. With the help of his friends, Harry uncovers the secrets of the Sorcerer's Stone and faces Voldemort for the first time.
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit living a quiet life in the Shire, is approached by the wizard Gandalf and a group of dwarves who need his help to reclaim their homeland from the dragon Smaug. Reluctantly, Bilbo joins the adventure, facing trolls, goblins, and giant spiders along the way. Through courage and wit, Bilbo discovers his own bravery and resourcefulness, ultimately playing a key role in the dwarves' quest to defeat Smaug.
3 Contoh Narrative Text (Biografi)
- Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, South Africa. Growing up under apartheid, he became a lawyer and joined the African National Congress (ANC) to fight for equal rights. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for his activism. After his release, he led negotiations to dismantle apartheid and became South Africa's first black president in 1994. Mandela's legacy as a champion of peace and justice continues to inspire people worldwide.
- Marie Curie
Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland. She moved to Paris to study physics and mathematics, becoming the first woman to earn a doctorate in France. Curie discovered the elements polonium and radium, and her research on radioactivity earned her two Nobel Prizes. Despite facing many challenges as a female scientist, Curie's groundbreaking work paved the way for future generations of women in science.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India. He studied law in London and later worked in South Africa, where he developed his philosophy of nonviolent resistance. Returning to India, Gandhi led the struggle for independence from British rule through peaceful protests and civil disobedience. His leadership inspired millions and eventually led to India's independence in 1947. Gandhi's commitment to peace and nonviolence left an enduring impact on the world.
2 Contoh Narrative Text (Myths)
- Pandora's Box (Greek Mythology)
In ancient Greece, Pandora was the first woman created by the gods. She was given a box (or jar) and instructed not to open it. Driven by curiosity, Pandora eventually opened the box, releasing all the evils into the world, such as sickness, death, and sorrow. Realizing her mistake, she quickly closed the box, trapping only Hope inside. The myth of Pandora's Box explains the origin of human suffering and the presence of hope amidst adversity.
- The Birth of Hercules (Greek Mythology)
Hercules, known for his incredible strength and heroic deeds, was the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene. Hera, Zeus's wife, was jealous and attempted to kill Hercules as a baby by sending two serpents to his cradle. However, the infant Hercules strangled the serpents with his bare hands. As he grew, Hercules performed many great feats, including the Twelve Labors, which solidified his status as one of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology.
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